Need new mom friends

Need mom friends to hangout with in 5months pregnant.
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Hey Girl Hey! How are you?

@Kelly heyyyy girly I'm good hbu

@Canesha I’m doing good! Thanks for asking! Are you a first time mom? What’s your due date? Do you know your gender yet?

@Kelly Yes ma'am I am a first time mom and October 22nd and its a boy💙

@Canesha I just told my dad that it was a lot of us busy at the end to the beginning of the year! lol my due date is October 17th and I’m having a girl!

@Kelly awwwww

@Kelly would u mind texting

@Canesha sorry I took a nap and yeah we can. I will message you my number

@Kelly I did too hahah

@Canesha pregnancy naps are the best! I have never slept like this before lol

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