Tongue tie

My little boy has a tongue tie and needs it cutting.. Has anyone experienced this? If do can you recommend someone privately as there's a 6-8 waiting list for the NHS...
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You might be best off asking in your local group for local recommendations. I just Googled “tongue tie” and my area when I needed someone. Good luck!

Definitely find someone recommended that’s local to you. My 5mo had his cut within 2 weeks of being assessed (NHS) but my first I had to go privately for his assessments (I didn’t end up getting it cut though)

My son had a tongue tie. I noticed it straight away and I had to fight with the feeding team at the hospital to be referred cos they didn’t see it as a problem. We were very lucky to have it cut when he was 3 weeks old (this was back in 2022!) and I’m very happy I fought for it because it turned out he had 75% of his tongue movements restricted. He was feeding and grumpy round the clock because he was falling asleep 5 minutes after feeding because it wore him out trying to use his tongue! And he wasn’t getting a full feed when he fed because of it 😔 it’s a really simple procedure and it’s honestly worse for the parent than the baby 😂 unfortunately I can’t recommend anyone private but I do hope you get it sorted soon x

Hi Sarah, I see you're from Northamptonshire, I am too. My little boy got his tongue tie cut today. We went privately and the lady said if we went to ENT at the hospital they would of said he wouldn't of had a tongue tie as his was posterior and some other bits. The procedure was done in seconds and we gave him a bottle straight away after and he took it so much better already. We only know he had a tongue tie due to the osteopath saying he had one. But after reading up on it it definitely made sense that he did have one. She recommended seeing Jas at love2latch and she was amazing and so kind and thorough. She charges £195, I'd highly recommend if you can afford it x

My 8 week son had his tongue tie cut when he was only 10 days old. We spent 3 nights in hospital due to poor latching and on the 2nd day a doctor saw he had it. After discharge, a wonderful midwife came home to see him and even his bottle was leaking out of his mouth, he was not even able to latch a bottle so his referral was very urgent and hence done at only 10 days old. I really pushed the referral and remembered writing emails to everyone private and NHS, fortunately we got it done through NHS at Chelsea and Westminster Hospital. We were told that urgent referrals were done within 2 weeks min but we got it done earlier as he lost weight and this was affecting him, young babies are always prioritised over elder ones. We were very lucky as the midwife who came home was the one who did the tongue tie clinic and the procedure only days after seen him at home. Her clinic started at 9am and she gave us an appointment at 8am when she is not even supposed to work, this is how busy tongue tie clinics are. Good luc

@Shareace thank u! I was looking at her website today. My little one lost almost 10%of his body weight in the first 5 days and no one mentioned him having one the only reason he has been putting on weight is he is having 17 feeds per one 24hr period and that's mainly the EBM from the bottle. He falls asleep drinking it so wakes often for more food..I'm exhausted so that's y I was looking for it privately. Thank u for ur recommendation I'll see when I can get him booked in. Xx

@Sarah Yeah my little one lost 9.7% weight within 5 days. He falls asleep, gets short of breath, has reflux and makes noises when drinking too. So hopefully he'll be on the mend now 😊 you're welcome, I'd highly recommend her. Good luck hope it helps your boy too xx

@Shareace I can't seem to get on her website now to get in contact with her xx

@Sarah I can't grt on it either how strange but this is her email xx

My son has one too although his is just slightly further forward than it should be but they won't do anything about it because it doesn't affect his feeding so going to see if it affects his speech before they do anything. It's so bad that the NHS won't do them it's only since covid they've stopped doing loads of stuff xx

@Shareace thank u. I'll email her now xx

@Julie hopefully if we can't go private we just wait for the referral to go through...will just carry on being an exhausted mummy untill it gets sorted out....xx

Hi Sarah, I live in london and used this website- not sure if u have it in ur area but I would recommend using them to find someone local in your area.

My little girl had it done on the NHS they cut her tongue the same day as the assessment. She's feeding so much better now and loves moving her new tongue around

@Alya I did look on this but didn't no if anyone near me could recommend one they have been to xx

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@Ebony I'm glad she's doing better x.

@Ebony where are you based? Could your baby stick their tongue out even a tiny bit before?

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