Anyone else fed up??😭😭

Feeling really poorly today! Had to come home from work 🤮 haven’t slept a lot last night, my eyes are blurry, baby moving funny and movements are so strong ( she’s my second ) everything I have eaten or drank has come back up! And I’m only 33 weeks and 5 days 🙃
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Sooooo fed up, couldn’t care less about work anymore, I’ve spent all day ‘wfh’ watching greys anatomy stuffing my face 😅

Feeling this x

@Jess love it! Nothing better than greys anatomy 🤣 and snacks! I finish on Saturday and I honestly can’t wait now 😅 so fed up it’s unreal Xxx

@Laura awful isn’t it😭 Xx

@Georgia Hague yep. I feel like I should be better and able to cope more but I literally want to just sleep all the time. Xx

@Jess is rewatching this lol must be like the 4th time. X

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