Visitors whilst EBF

Anyone else find having constant visitors whilst breastfeeding tricky? My baby is 12 days old and very much loves to be on the boob, I feel like people are coming round and expecting lots of cuddles but it doesn’t happen that way when I’m feeding on demand and if she’s a bit fussy is wanting feeding every 10 minutes it seems 🙈
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Eh, I think people should temper their expectations of a very new newborn. If they want fun and cuddles they can come back in two months 🤣

@Holly it’s making me doubt if she’s on the boob too much 🙈😵‍💫

No such thing as too much boob! 🥹 You're doing great ❤️

@Leanne Thankyou 🥰🥰

They can't be on the boob too much if you and baby are happy 🥰 tbh visitors can be stressful for a little baby, so they're even more likely to want comfort feeds if there's lots of strange new people around x

Don’t doubt it! This completely happens to me too. I end up feeling a tad guilty if they haven’t had a squish and that’s even with having bare minimum visitors. Some come in the evening during cluster feeding fun before bedtime. If it helps I just let them know upfront now to set expectations

Yes unfortunately visitors just have to deal with it. Sometimes my baby is content or sleeping but most of time she will cry to be fed etc so just ends up coming back to me very quickly

@Kathryn Thankyou this js helpful, mine also has a cluster feeding of an evening before we go up to bed and seems through the night now too 😵‍💫🤦🏼‍♀️ x

@Rachael Thankyou I’m glad it’s not just me and my baby x

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