Naps with video monitoring

Hi, is anyone putting their baby to sleep in their crib for day naps with the monitor on? I know about SIDS, just curious because a sleep programme I'm reading suggests it.
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I put mine in his moses basket for naps and have a monitor so I can get on with chores and other bits and bobs

Have done for other a month now and he's absolutely fine!

I’m not as I read somewhere they shouldn’t be alone in a room napping until they are 6 months and I don’t feel comfortable leaving him alone in a room atm x

Yup I do, did with my first aswell. I check it constantly and have the noise on all the time too so can hear him

I've not yet but I've started to look into monitors ready for after she is 8 weeks old x

I leave my LO in his next to me whilst he naps as he out grew his Moses basket so the only other option is his crib. I don’t really like the idea of letting him nap in his rocking chair strapped in for long periods of time. As long as I can see and hear him through the baby monitor. Xx

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