
When did it get easier 😭 my little one (1 yr old ) was screaming crying today and wouldn’t let me go. Watching him on the cameras and he’s crying like all day, it’s really starting to hurt my heart. I feel so dramatic but I’ve been a stay at home mom for 3 years. My older two enjoy being around all the other kids but my little baby is definitely having separation anxiety… shoot me too cuz he definitely made me cry at drop off today. I feel horrible 😅
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How long ago did he start? It's a little harder at this age because it's in the thick of stranger danger and separation anxiety. Keep in regular touch with his teachers about your worries. Maybe you can work together on a plan to make him feel more comfortable. Maybe an article of clothing that smells like you will keep him more comfortable?

@JL it’s only been a few days 🤦🏽‍♀️ it’s just so hard to see him crying all day long on the camera. He has his blanket with him from home, I thought that would help but I don’t think it is

As someone who used to work at a daycare, he will get used to it most kids get used to it in the first 2 weeks. Just make sure to be consistent as soon as he realizes you aren’t leaving him forever he will calm down and start enjoying the fun things he can do

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