Waters Broken

Waters broke 1AM this morning at 34+6. I am still in hospital getting antibiotics and steroid injections. Slight period cramps nothing major. Hoping I get to go home til 37 weeks. Anyone in similar situation?
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Same thing happened to me at 32 weeks. Had steroids and magnesium drip. I’m now 35+1 and will be having c section at 37 weeks. I have had tightenings but not dilated so was allowed home to rest and hopefully get to 37 weeks. Hope you’re ok xx

Good luck!

Ohhhh how you feeling

Hi! Im still in hospital being monitored but hopefully home til 37 weeks when theyll deliver, unless he comes himself. On 4 antibiotics a day. Seems odd having no waters but apparently its common practice. Im 35 weeks today so not long xx

This has happened to me too! This is Baby number 3 and tested positive for waters broken at 34+3 weeks. Spent 2 nights in hospital after having steroid injections but they’ve sent me home with antibiotics and rest until being induced at 37 weeks. I’m an absolute nervous wreck! xx

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