Pre-K School, can they do this?

Can they pull my son out of class because he has ALLERGIES? he's not even sick or anything he just has a runny nose and a dry cough I gave him his allergy medicine in the morning before he went to school but the doctor told me it takes two days to clear up regardless. Besides I got the doctor's note which is supposed to be the "Okay" to let the child stay in school. I feel like they just don't want him in school because my son gets really annoying with a runny nose and he forces adults around him to clean his nose for him. He's 4 he can do it himself but he's still learning how to do it properly by himself. Like I can't keep doing this run around of having to find a babysitter last minute and I obviously can't stay with my son either bc I have to work. Mind you I've seen other kids sick as a dog in class while I dropped my child off and there was also another day that they LIED to me about him have a fever of 106 degrees I was literally panicking and left my job for NOTHING! I took my son to the doctor that same day and they told me he's fine and that he does not have 106 degrees.
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@Maylin You're telling me they can lie about a kids fever? that's insane

My fault I didn’t read the whole post 😭

Ok yea if they lied about that that’s not good at all

That happened to me when my son was in pre-k. They called me to pick up my son because he had a fever. I also needed to bring a doctor’s note to show he was fine to go to school. I took his temperature at home and it was 99. Not a fever.

They can definitely pull him out of class for a runny nose especially if he as disruptive as you describe when he does have a runny nose. However, they can't lie about a fever, is possible that they checked his tempature and it might have been high, but if the temperature is 106 on a child they should have checked again especially if he was acting normal, a 106 fever sounds like a child will just be super lethargic. If they are calling you multiple times a week because he is sick, and you get him checked the same day, and everything is fine I would have a convo with the director/principal of the program, get to the bottom of the problem. Not only is it jeopardizing your job but your sons daily routine and school perception.

No. My son deals with allergies and he wasn’t pulled. If my son’s daycare had a concern, it was usually for a cough that seems moderate or sudden. But if the cough was severe I woulda kept him home anyway. But for allergies, no they can’t do that. And I totally understand that’s he’s learning to wipe his nose properly himself and they should understand that too. I don’t think the runny nose is a problem cuz he’s not sick. And it’s sad they lied about the fever.

And the doctor’s note should’ve been enough for the daycare too!!

Sorry you went and are going through this. Gotta be beyond stressful!!! And interrupting your work too!!

@Jessica See what I'm saying it's ridiculous I just ignore them now I can't just leave my job bc they don't wanna deal with my son he has Autism and that's not his fault that's just how he was born.

My kid has autism too!!! I got that notion when you wrote your message omg!!!

@Serena Yes I totally understand that when my son is severe and sick I definitely keep him home sometimes he'll be really bad throwing up and diarrhea so I obviously keep him home because it'll be impossible for them to take care of a child like that. But when he just has allergies it shouldn't be that serious.

And even when I did keep my son home while he was sick the school would have a problem with that too because he's missing a lot of days like?!!! I can't win with them they complain about everything.

@Laura Marien I'm going too but I'm also gonna ask them to properly record his temperatures from now on because after that first lie I can't get past that now I feel like they're lying all the time.

I worked at a daycare and was a teacher for toddlers , I’ve never sent my kiddos home unless they really had a fever and I would check it once and I would check it again in 10 minutes I will take a photo and send it to the parent as proof so they know I am not sending there child home just because. If you’re child has nap time theirs a possibility they are taking his temp while he’s sleeping and they are not suppose to do that or even after just playing.

@Natalie Luna Ohh because he gets hotter while he sleeps and plays right? I can see why she said my son temperature was at 106 because my son sweats in his sleep he gets really hot for some reason not all the time though it happens on occasions. Makes sense now.

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Girl it takes a while for children to regulate their body temperature, not until I think the age of 5 or 6 they can , 106 sounds outrageous and dangerous to me and I’m sure you would’ve seen your son extremely sick before bringing him to school and seen a fever building up within that time. I understand kids get sick out of nowhere but 106 sounds crazy . Next time I would ask for a photo for proof!

It's prek what child doesn't have a runny nose 🤦🏾‍♀️😂 that's literally the job, former prek teacher here. If it's a combo of symptoms yes he can be pulled it's center discretion but just for a runny nose, that's wild.... Id find a new center. Being comfortable with where your child is does wonders for your mind while you're away

@Tanisha Exactly!! and yeah this is his last semester there, i enrolled him in a different school for next year hopefully they're better

@Genn fingers crossed 🤞🏾 same journi

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