Nursery have asked to do settling in session over baby’s first nap

My Baby is having settling in sessions later this week and the nursery staff have asked for him to come in at 10 am which is right in the middle of when his morning that would be. he’s currently on two naps a day and doesn’t seem ready to drop down to one yet. I could do one that day which I’ve done only once before when unavoidable, but don’t really want to. Do you think I’m being particular if I ask to come in later during his wake window? I’m sure he’d settle in better if well slept!
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We did a few settling sessions before starting nursery, one was over a nap to ensure he would settle there. Sleep at nursery is always a little hit & miss, sometime he will take 1 20 minute naps & other times 2 50 minute naps. Have they been before for another settling session?

@Victoria thanks! No this will be his first session and he’d normally go down about 45 mins before they want him to come in. I’m quite worried about them being able to settle him so doing it much later than he’s used to doesn’t feel too promising 😬

I think it was our second session, he seemed to take it in his stride really well & it was good preparation for when he has a shorter nap in the morning, we just adjust the day. You have to do what’s right for you, we felt ready & my little boy was 6 months on the settling session so napped a lot more

We had that as yhey could only do settling at a certain time it meant it was during his first nap

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