UK Government support for single mums

Hello - I’m a first time single mum and I’m not sure how to go about getting support for me and baby? Me and my partner split up and he’s moved out of the flat so I have to pay that alone and I’m pregnant. I’m not sure what type of help I’d be entitled to without a job (recently made redundant) and pregnant? Any advice would be much appreciated 🩷🩷
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Apply for universal credit online - and also try apply for the sure start maternity grant.

You should be entitled to universal credit and its possible that they can pay your rent for u as well if u have no other financial means x

Universal credit, child benefit and help with rent if you’re renting (after baby born). You might also get maternity allowance if you were employed in the 66 weeks before you’re due date. Maternity grant you can also apply for after baby born x

Sure start maternity grant - you get £500 the form is online it’s worth looking at it’s a one off payment. Print it out it gives u address to put on an envelope hope this helps xx

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