
I’m 18 weeks on Thursday second baby and still haven’t felt (I don’t think) any movement.. I’ve felt my stomach hard on one side at times but not movement as such, anyone else? I thought I would have felt something by now as second baby and seeing everyone else feel from 13 weeks, freaking me out a bit😂🫣
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I’m in the same boat, I’ve been told I’ve got an anterior placenta this time round. I’m 17+3 and haven’t felt anything except hard spots now and then in my tummy x

I’m 18 weeks in Thursday too and still nothing either . My left side occasionally goes in but no physical feeling of movement x

Same Boat !! I don’t know about my Placenta but it’s quite stressful not To know if Everything is ok in there

I'm 20 weeks on Thursday and still haven't felt anything 😑 trying to be patient

Same here, second pregnancy and haven’t felt anything yet!

I think I’ve felt things but then nothing I’m worried too

I'm nearly 20 weeks with my second and haven't really felt anything. But I have also been told my placenta is anterior this time x

I’m 19 weeks and still haven’t felt anything! It will come ladies 💖

I’m 19 weeks 2 days and still haven’t felt anything x

Same here 18 weeks tomorrow 2nd pregnancy , I literally came on here to see if anyone else was in the same position glad I'm not alone !

Same here! Was worrying I am 18 weeks Saturday 3rd pregnancy and not felt anything I’ve had the odd thing there where I don’t know if it’s baby or gas😂 I felt my others by now !! Xx

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