BF- how many times a day

I feel like all I’m doing is BF atm and starting to worry about LO… doesnt eat a great deal during day always up for boob! How many times a day is people BF in a day I feel bad for refusing him but worried he’s preferring it over food
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First thing, before nap if he isn't at nursery, before bed. On non nursery days he sometimes asks once or twice during the day aswell, but not every day

I'm in the same boat. I'm not actually sure how many times he's bf but he will ask for boob after every meal and for nap and again before bed plus he still has night feeds and then during the day between foods he occasionally asks for it but usually only latches for a minute or 2. I usually try tempt him with his water on those occasions and sometimes he will take that and be happy but other times he won't. He's also not a great eater but he does love his vegetables, usually eats them first and I figure it's recommended to bf till 2 year + so as long as he's still showing interest in meals and gaining weight as expected I'm just going to follow his lead for now. Although I have no judgement on people who decide to stop before that (I've definitely wanted to a few times)

So nursery days about 4 times....non nursery days about 6! With sometimes one or two times over night.she eats 3 meals and a snack a day but we usually spoonfeed alongside offering her a plate else she loses interest pretty quickly. It's like it's boring whereas when she is boobing she plays with the other one!

I've lost count as I don't count them anymore, but a lot! Nursery he is fine all day without but I feel like the other days it's all the time, and still multiple times at night. I feel like he doesn't eat all that much, although not really sure quantity wise what they should be eating, I think it's less than we think sometimes. I struggle to get him to drink anything when he's with me unless he's clearly really thirsty.

I've lost count as I don't count them anymore, but a lot! Nursery he is fine all day without but I feel like the other days it's all the time, and still multiple times at night. I feel like he doesn't eat all that much, although not really sure quantity wise what they should be eating, I think it's less than we think sometimes. I struggle to get him to drink anything when he's with me unless he's clearly really thirsty.

Honestly it feels like an absolute tonne some days. Usually morning, night, potentially over night, and whenever we're home together whenever she grabs my boob. She drinks quite a bit of cows milk and eats a decent amount so I'm not too concerned.

Same here! Probably 15-20 times during the day. I’m ready to stop but he isn’t unfortunately

They know what they need so try not to worry! One thing I've found has helped my daughter to eat more though is to give her more time at mealtimes! Often she literally won't touch any food for a good 20+ minutes but then she'll suddenly start really going for it so maybe try giving LO more time with food there! But they always go up and down with eating I think anyway- so long as weight is ok then I wouldn't worry too much!But yeah my daughter feeds every 2-3 hours in the day on average and on and off all night co sleeping!

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