She’s making digs on purpose clearly. I’d call her out on it next time
I always think to kill it with kindness. “Oh goodness, imagine if I’d have tried to carry on, the endless hours of lactation consultants, the mastitus episodes and being in hospital with a high temp and hooked up to a pump, feeling liked death and all that time away from the baby… some people are physically just capable and so is baby, sometimes it’s just more complicated and thank goodness I have my priories really well considered and what’s best for my baby. Cup of tea, love?”
@Anneliese honestly I wish I had more backbone. I know I won’t call her out, she says these things in front of my MIL, FIL and partner and no one bats an eye. Feels very subtle at the time. I always think of excellent things to say about 24 hrs later 😆😆 usually if I confront people my emotions get the better of me 😩
What does your partner think? Can he have a word with her and say how her constant comments are making you feel like crap
@Yog I think I may go this route. Probably not the medical things as she always has some medical problem going on that’s worse than everyone else. Don’t want it turning into “who is more poorly competition”. Need to work on not letting things get to me 💪💪
It seems like she has put herself on a pedestal because she breastfeeds-as others have said, abit of a cow. I would ask your partner to have a word about her insensitivity
It kills me when a mother wants to breast-feed and can’t then people make comments to her like she’s doing something harmful or wrong or like she’s an awful person or whatever even if you just didn’t want to breast-feed, some people are so tired and they struggle and they need help so they need to bottlefeed so they can get the help they need after giving birthperfectly OK I’m so sorry she does that to you
Massive bitch in my opinion x