Lister bad experiences

Hey ladies. I transferred from Basildon to Lister 3 months ago now, and have bad experiences every time I go to an appointment. “have you been going to the day assessment unit because you were meant to?” “Have you had appointments with healthy lifestyle?” And I’m now 1 day away from due and apparently missed so much because they’ve neglected to tell me where I’m meant to be going/what I’m meant to be doing! Also my community midwife kept saying “yes you can give birth on MLU, yes yes,” went down to triage for a worry… nothing on my paperwork to agree this… then went for scan today and went to the day assessment as I was told that I was meant to have… and now all of a sudden my BMI is too high. Not to mention they requested for me to have repeat bloods TWICE, I went to have them done and then got a call the day after to tell me “sorry I didn’t come for my bloods” when I literally did.. turns out they got lost..,, I have a sweep tomorrow and induction failing that next week. Please SOMEONE tell me it gets better than this!!
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Besides overly cautious medical staff the whole last trimester, I had a great experience with them and only moved into the county last 18months. Wishing you a safe and positive delivery 🙌🏼

I couldn't fault lister at all! I was induced and was in hospital for 5 days and all the midwives were absolutely lovely!

My experience has been good apart from with my first son I don't think they could have checked him over properly before we left. As we were rushed back into the hopsital morning after where he was breathing too fast and had high levels of jaundice. Also he had a tongue tie which wasn't picked up till a week later. I did fine one or two midwifes/nurses can be quite rude on the ward afterwards

I had an induction there in January and the midwives were great, but I’d recommend packing for a week just in case. Mine didn’t go to plan straight away, so I had to wait on the Dacre ward for a few days before they could get me down to delivery (granted, this was in the consultant led unit and not midwife led, so imagine it runs a lot smoother there!) Delivery itself was amazing and I couldn’t fault the care I received!

@Gabrielle hey hun! I’m off for an induction today. When they call you to go in do they say come in asap or do they give you a time?

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