I feel awful 😭😞😩

I accidentally fell asleep on the couch holding my 6 week Baby, and he fell (wasn't far) off me and was on the hard floor I picked him up as soon as he slid off, I feel so horrible, he looks fine and fell right back asleep, and acting like himself I was just so tired I zonked out for a few minutes, I never fall asleep with him on me, I always put him in his bed 😩😭 I feel awful 😞😭😩
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If he’s hit his head it’s best to get him checked out as they’re so fragile and the skull hasn’t formed yet. Especially if they’re sleepy. It’s very common to do, so many tired parents do it all the time but it’s best to be safe than sorry! X

@Maeve he's acting fine and I don't think he hit his head... And eating good and himself

@Valerie sadly I have hard floors

I once forgot to buckle my 2 month old back into his swing and I jus randomly woke up to catching him RIGHT before hitting the floor

@Sophia I wish I could have caught my boy... I can't get the image of him on the floor out of my head 😔

I would still take him in honestly. He’s only a little over a month old, and he’s not old enough to catch himself, so most likely he hit his head you just didn’t know it.

The image of his little body slipping will ALWAYS been In my head, he’s 2 now and I think ab it ALL the time. An it does help I’m due next month with babyboy #2

@Sophie he has no bruising or bumps and I have no way to get him checked, and he's acting like himself...

@Blair agreed, my GP told me any falls under the age of 12 months need to be checked out.

My boy fell all the time he threw himself at the wall he's two nearly I took him as he threw himself on the floor when showering had a huge bump on his head. As you're baby is so young id defo get him checked out x

This happened to me once but as long as you learn from it try not to beat yourself up, it's hard and it happens to the best of us

I would get him checked just in case being that babies are so fragile but i want to reasure you these things happen and you're NOT a bad mother you are doing your best and that's that's what makes you a great mom.

I’m not being funny I promise, but that’s your child, stop making excuses and find a way. You would never forgive yourself if there was something wrong you couldn’t see, don’t risk putting you or your little one through that. Get him checked asap. Mistakes happen, I nearly squished my little boy in the first week I was so tired, but don’t let an honest mistake potentially cost you big time.

@Tanith how am I making excuses?, I don't have a car, my husband was at work with the only vehicle we have

I’m in a similar boat, I can’t drive, no car, limited funds and a disability but you can bet I’d be fighting tooth and nail to get my son checked out. You’re making excuses because everyone here is telling you the same thing and to make your life easier your dismissing them. I’m not being horrible but you’d feel guilty for life if something was wrong and you didn’t at least try.

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@Tanith I contacted ppl, and some of my family works in the medical field, I contacted them, so I didn't dismiss ppl telling me to get him checked

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