I'm doing both I only pump 2 times a day and have him latch 2 times a day but I mix my milk with the formula and it works wonders for me it gives othes the chance to feed him when I can't
@Aysha thank you so much 🫶
Do whats best for you and your family, if 100% formula is your best option then just do that ❤️
@Courtney thank you❤️
I’ve been doing combination feeding for the past couple of weeks. My girl is one month+one week and I was exclusively breast feeding for the first two weeks. It was rough. I got her to take a bottle and it was wonderful. My routine now has been to give her the boob before I offer the bottle. Sometimes she gets full off the boob and sometimes not. It’s nice to do both breast milk and formula because I can just give her a bottle when we’re in public! Also I tried pumping in addition to this. It’s not easy and I couldn’t do it (not enough production:( ). It’s really all about finding what works best for you and your baby’s schedule!!
I say do what you think is best lovely. You’re the mum at the end of the day and you need to do what is best for you to keep your energy up for your baby. I used to breastfeed and had to give him top ups of the little ready to feed formula bottles bcos he was a small baby then I started combination feeding and now I’ve just moved to formula so 95% of the time I’m feeding him formula as it is easier for the both of us because he started struggling to latch on as he was so used to the bottle. Like I said do what you feel is best, either way your baby is being fed and that’s all that matters ☺️ x