@Martinela am 19 n half weeks an been suffering myself since i was about 9/10 weeks. My midwife said nothing they can do unless i can't physically walk-up an down stairs 🤦🏼♀️ x
Yeah it’s horrible there’s nothing they can really do, I’m hoping I can get signed off work earlier on sick leave before maternity but people have said it only gets better truly after baby is here and even then it can cause long term issues 😩
But some days are worse than others so if it’s a really bad day I’ll be struggling limping home from work and finding it hard to do normal tasks it’s horrible so I really do feel for you x
Me. Third pregnancy and starts earlier everytime. I have my own belt and crutches now. Refer to physio and they should get you a belt and give you exercises. Or you can buy one on amazon and should be able to you tube exercises. Theres also a page on facebook for support. Should relieve some pressure. If its excruciating codeine is safe if you call your doctor they can prescribe. I usually try to stay off it for last few weeks of pregnancy if possible. Also an exercise ball for sitting. Don't sit or stand too long. It's a balance 😞 good luck ❤️ https://www.facebook.com/groups/400989677114263/?ref=share
I have the same don’t worry I’m 18 weeks and been suffering since about 10 weeks my midwife told me to refer myself to a physio but I’ve heard waiting lists are so long that by the time I get a appointment I won’t be pregnant no more 😭 I’ve tried using a excercise ball when the pain is really back to take pressure off when sitting at home but nothing I have found has helped z