Part time jobs

Not strictly baby related but being a Mum / on maternity leave has made me realise that I would like to work part time. I have been made redundant from my events / marketing job and am now reconsidering what I want to do for work / my career. I’d ideally like to work part time but I am struggling to know what part time work is out there. If you currently work part time, please can you share what you do?
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I work in retail part time at vodafone, I wouldn’t say it’s a career and maybe not something I’ll do forever but retail jobs have plenty of part time staff x

I do care assistant. Working for a company and go into clients homes to help with day to day task and personal care. I also don’t see myself doing this forever. But it’s flexible, I can easily work around my partners schedule and not have to put little one into care just yet.

I’m a solicitor and now work part time something I never considered before baby, or even thought would work to be honest! But it does. I think you could pretty much do any job part time subject to the employer being agreeable 😀 definitely wouldn’t rule anything out. Good luck x

I work for a coffee roastery in their coffee quality lab - cataloguing green/roasted coffee samples, helping to check quality of coffee, setting up cupping (tasting) tables, support with events and customer care/education. I've worked in coffee industry for about 10yrs now and went through coffee shop roles, then was in the training dept for a long time and now ended up in quality control. But to be honest, I think it's just coz my company was very flexible and wanted to find a part-time space for me. I think whatever company people work for, if they want, they can make it work x

I started digital marketing to help earn a little extra while on maternity leave. Means I get to work whatever hours I choose and I tend to do it around baby’s nap time/ bed time xx

I’m going back to a preschool part time always worked part time with both my kids! Xx

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