I am! I also feel huge especially in the as the day goes on and in the evenings. Obviously feeling very grateful and blessed but also anxious and overwhelmed!
@TwinBabyMama congratulations! It is such a strange mix of emotions isn’t it? I am also terrified but very grateful 💕. Have you been feeling quite rough so far as well? xoxo
Huge congratulations, how lovely!! Were twins detected at 10 weeks? People keep saying I’m having twins even though i he a scan at 7 weeks which only showed one baby… lovely scan!
@Liv thank you! Yes this was at 10 weeks 🙂 he said they’d had someone with triplets as well 😯 so assume they can see multiples! Though not sure about how early you can see them. Have you had your 12 week scan yet? Mine won’t be until I’m almost 14 weeks so couldn’t wait that long! xoxo
Im also due twins on 27/12. I’ve been so fortunate with sickness this time round, nowhere near as bad as with my little boy but I am definitely showing. I’m convinced everyone can tell but I think I probably just look like I’ve put on weight to everyone else. I’m 12 weeks on Friday
Oh wow congratulations! Look at them little beauties xx