
Any gardening mama's on here ?? How's it going so far ? :)
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Yes!! Got some tomatoes and peppers growing. Also have cucumbers, watermelon, cantaloupe, and carrots.

Yes!! Looove to garden 🤗 going super well so far. Strawberries, lettuce, and spinach have all been harvested and everything else is taking off!!

I'm bad at gardening every time I plant something it just goes wrong😭 last year I planted potatoes and the squirrels digged it up and ate them and this year my plants just died randomly 😮‍💨

Last year I bought 6 acres of land so we are starting from scratch this year, we had pregnancy and postparum during planting season so no garden this year, there is a well established orchard though.

@Mechelle it takes time :) I tried for years without success. Try to put a fence around stuff if animals are an issue. I just use a cheap chicken fence

@Elli that's awesome. . I have 7 fruit trees planted but they're young so they don't produce yet

@Sierra what are you growing. ?

@Sami beautiful garden !!

@Kerdra thank you!!

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