Has anyone dealt with Sub Hematoma?

Getting nervous due to being told I had a SCH and have been light spotting for a few weeks now. Has anyone else dealt with it? I had a ln appointment and heard heartbeat but still makes me nervous. Next appointment isn’t for 2 weeks.
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Me! I spotted at around 5 weeks and was able to get an early ultrasound at 6 weeks where they found the SCH. Luckily we also saw baby and heard the heartbeat! I just went to my 10 week appointment yesterday and the SCH fully resolved on its own 🙌🏼

I was just told today they found one (7 weeks today) and they are bringing me back in 2 weeks to check it again. Fingers crossed it resolves itself 🤞🏻

I had one with my first pregnancy and I was spotting for what felt like almost my whole first trimester, and at first it was on the heavy side. It made me so anxious but baby girl came out healthy and with no problems.

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