
So my LB started waking up super early like 4.30 5 am usually he sleeps till 7 and this started about 3 weeks ago. So last week I went to my mums new house for couple of nights and there I was rocking him to sleep Coz of the new cott and new home we never been in before. We are now back amd he refuses to gl sleep on his own unless he's really tired just now he was screaming in his cot standing up till I picked him up we completely cut the tv off we on our second day with no tv. Is this a regression he was also up the past 2 nights about 2 hours I dont know what to do weather to rock him or what
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Hi Hun, we had a few nights like this and we still do have the odd wake up! But there is a 2 year sleep regression! For over a week he just wants to be held to sleep when previously he’d fall asleep in his cot! We’ve also had some early mornings and wake ups! Last night was 2.5 hours 😭 hang in there it’ll get better. We don’t hold him to sleep anymore we cuddle him then put him down and he eventually goes off so if you persist that may help. Never a good idea to start something new in the sleep regression like rocking to sleep as they will get used to that being the norm! Good luck

@Megan I did leave him on his own an he was just chatting but then threw his dummy out I gave it him and he's started screaming so loud when I tried to leave its shocking he was like shaking his cott i think if I left him to cry he would actually choke

Oh no :( do you stay in the room with him? Perhaps he’s going through a bit of separation anxiety also

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