@Vicky yes Same here I’m due fridya too but don’t think she will come xx I am having pain but not labour pains x
I'm due tommorow but had her today morning ❤️
@Santa aww congratulations did you have any pains before x
Was due last Friday😭 no sign, I had sweep last Friday and NOTHING😭 have induction booked for this week though
I’m due Friday too - no signs at all so think I’ll be late! X
I dont think I will have her Friday I think I will be late xxx
@Jodie thank you ❤️ I had some contractions before but they went away at night. But my story is long 🤣
aw well congratulations xx
I’m due on Friday too! No sign of him yet, getting impatient 🥺🥺
My due date is today but no sign of baby🫠 so just waiting
Due date tomorrow but got sweep tomorrow so hopefully that will move things along x
Due date was last Friday 🥴 had sweep yesterday, still feel absolutely normal x
Due date tomorrow but she came last night🩷
Due date was yesterday, so gone over by a day but have an elective c section booked this Friday 🤞
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Trusted by 5M+ women
40+2 today, had 3 sweeps, been at 2cm for a week but zero signs of labour starting 😒 x
I’m due on Friday too and I got a feeling I’m definitely going over 🥺