
My baby is starting daycare in a month - what do I need to bring? We’ll be on a 2 week trip before that so I don’t have much time to prepare/ buy stuff!
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I bring a diaper bag with pre made bottles and a change of clothes. I bring diapers and wipes at their request. Name labels that can be washed for bottles and possibly clothing. If I wanted to bring my own baby food I would label that as well.

Did they not give you a list? Every place has different policies. As a baby my son needed 5 extra outfits for his bin, drool bibs, diapers and wipes, diaper cream, and then daily we sent in bottles or cups already ready to go, along with whatever food he needed for the day.

Labeled bottles, labeled diapers & wipes, extra set of clothes (labeled) and maybe a soothie or a comfort item.

My daughters daycare provided a list of what to bring for the first day and as time went out I got used to packing things as needed

Ask your daycare. Every place I've ever worked has different requirements for what is needed and how it needs to be labeled. You can just bring enough supplies for the first week, then bring larger quantities after the first week

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