Verrryyy faint but definitely there
Could be an evap
@Isabella the thing is, she is like 20 dpo.. and has irregular periods.
@Becca ehhh yeah possibly evap then. I would tell her to wait a week and test again
@Isabella I've told her to go to Dr but she refuses. She's taken alot of easy@home test and there isn't anything there. If anything an indent.
@Becca is she trying to conceive?
Definitely there but these test are very bad for false positives because the indent line. Digital is best bet x
That’s what mine looked like and I’m 5 weeks and 1 day today!
As long as it showed up within the timeframe.
Have her retest in a few days . I’ve had tests like this and they were negative .
@Tori this looks negative to me. Possibly an indent line
Pop us an update on a few days or so 😊
Maybe im crazy but I see absolutely nothing lol
Took another one
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i see nothing on her test if she takes a test in a few days and there’s still no visible line she’s not pregnant
@Tori i’m talking about the person that made the post not your comment.
@Tori your tests look old and dried out . Is that in timeframe? Otherwise those are Evaps and I would test again and check within time frame .
It was definitely in time frame
@Isabella well yeah.
@Kim I personally don't see anything.
@Tori Maybe too early for digital..they require more hcg. I would wait a few more days..
@Tori what is this app
It’s called pregnancy checker
I don’t see anything
@Tori update us tomorrow or day after x
I think I see something!
@Tori I see a line
@Becca I see it
She's not pregnant, this had to be evap.. or false positive that blue dye gives..
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@Tori idk why you posted this test on here. Please make your own post!
@Tori why are you posting your own results on her post lmao
If she wants people to respond to her test, she needs to post it herself.
Definitely a line