Induction scheduled feeling defeated šŸ˜”

Iā€™m past my due date and In a last ditch effort to induce labor I opted for a membrane sweep. I havenā€™t gotten a cervical check in awhile because my practice doesnā€™t offer them unless medically necessary. Iā€™m not even a centimeter dilated. My cervix is still very high and closed. I sat there and cried in the doctors office Iā€™m so discouraged and frustrated. I spent this entire trimester being high risk for preterm labor and on bed rest only to make it to term safely and now past term and she still isnā€™t here. Iā€™m emotionally exhausted. They wanted to schedule an induction for the end of this week but I convinced them to push it back until Monday to give her more time. Upon discussing the process I found out it will take multiple days because Iā€™d have to get a cervical ripener first which just made me cry even harder šŸ˜‚ (The hormones donā€™t help) Iā€™m really hoping she comes on her own before then but regardless in a week I will have my baby and thatā€™s whatā€™s important.
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If it makes you feel better I felt the same way I havenā€™t made any progress so I scheduled an induction as an last resort

@Emily Iā€™m so sorry youā€™re dealing with the same thing. An induction was the last thing I wanted but unfortunately none of the providers at my practice will deliver a baby past a certain point and I really donā€™t want some random stranger Iā€™ve never met to deliver her.

I have no experience with induction but I feel for you ā¤ļø these babies definitely do their own thing sometimes and itā€™s hard to feel like youā€™re settling for medical intervention far out of your control. Iā€™m a c section mama and itā€™s so hard to relinquish control and then to feel as though your baby is being pushed into something. But your feelings are so valid and 40 weeks is an arbitrary timeline ā€” trust yourself and your body and hopefully your little babe comes before that induction. If not I pray all goes well for you and baby regardless!!

@Laney they reason I picked to get induced was I donā€™t think I can make it another week idk how big he is and heā€™s ran out of room and was head down since 31 weeks has measured an week ahead for each week in third trimester and I can barely walk in constant pain and dilation wonā€™t change neither would enfacement I felt guilty at first but i feel like itā€™s safer for me and the baby

@Dayna thank youā¤ļøā¤ļø

@Emily at the end of the day you gotta do whatā€™s best for you and baby as frustrating as it is the end goal is a safe baby.

I had cervadill inserted my first pregnancy to ripen my cervix. I honestly did not even find it any sort of painful, however it did take me from being 0 to 1 cm dilated after like 10ish hours lol, I wasnā€™t making any progress but once I dilated I was about to get to a 10 after 24 hours! Just wanted to share my experience with you!! GoodluckšŸ¤

I feel you. Iā€™m 41 weeks today with a cervical ripening induction I donā€™t want planned for the weekend (should we get to that) and at this point Iā€™m just leaning into my spiritual practices and carrying about my life as normally and calmly as possible hoping baby decides to interrupt at some point. I wrote a template response diverting questions to my husband for anyone who reaches out to ask when the baby is coming too to escape from that madness which has helped a lot. Youā€™ve got this! Weā€™ve waited nine months, whatā€™s another week?

@Patrice youā€™re absolutely right thank you so much

@Andrina thank you for sharing your experience

I know the feeling is so defeating and the hormones definitely donā€™t help. Just remember that you will have your baby in your arms soon! I have had 2 high risk pregnancies, my first I had to be induced at 37 weeks and was sooooo upset that my plan for a natural birth was ruined, I cried for weeks. This time I am past my due date and we finally scheduled an induction as well and I am upset as I was so excited to go to term this time and yet here we are inducing again. But not letting it get to me as much this time as I am just happy to have her out and healthy! Positive thoughts coming your way! ā¤ļø

@Brook thank you so much for sharing

Have you tried the miles circuit?

@Sarah Iā€™ve been doing it everyday. I have been active my entire pregnancy working out a minimum of two hours a day I had to tone down the intensity in the third trimester but I have yet to stop moving.

Iā€™m so sorry to hear that! I understand you so well as I was under the pressure of induction since 37 weeks (high risk because of GD) and I was advocating for myself until 40 weeks at every appointment to keep waiting for natural start of labor. I did the labor stimulation massage, and I believe it worked. I went to labor in 24 hours. I highly recommend you look for one in your area and do it too! You still have time. It might take you 72 hours after such a massage to go to labor. Good luck!

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Iā€™m desperate so Iā€™m trying this tomorrow morning šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø Iā€™ll try anything at this point

@Marina thank you Iā€™ll check it out

@Roxy thank you Iā€™ll add it to my workout todayšŸ©·

I was Induced for my first child and now I always elect and PUSH for inductions. I had the most peaceful and painless birth experience . Going to hospital to induce labor is so efficient, the moment u begin to feel any pain you have someone helping you and medication readily available , going into spontaneous labor is so frightening to me I rather know when Iā€™m going to go into labor so I can mentally prepare. YOU HAVE NOTHING TO WORRY ABOUT. U are walking in good health and the entire time u are there will be cared for and monitored.

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