My midwife, doctor and the midwives on the ward before I left told me to not bother with follow on milk because its all a gimmick x
Mines on 6-12 but I won’t be giving toddler milk x
My LG is on cow and gate, she has been on stage 1 since since we went over to formula at 5 months. I do however buy the odd bottle of ready made stage 2 when they are on a club and offer so cheaper for my changing bag. I might carry on buying the odd toddler milk ready made bottles for my change bag even after transitioning yo cow milk just so I don't have to think about how to keep it cold...
I haven’t changed I’m still on number 1 X
My little one is on the 6 to 12 one and loves it
I'm a mix of breastfeeding still and the odd formula but we use aptamil, I wasn't told about it all being a gimmick until a few days ago by a friend, we won't be using the toddler milk he will then be onto cows milk and breast if I can still handle the biting🤣
We’re still on number 1 , especially cos I can get the 1.2kg value pack at my food shop and not on stage 2 but it’s no different & won’t be going onto the toddler milk
Don’t ever change from first milk is what I learnt in NCT. The milk is the same LOL
Mines on the 6-12 month one, i think price wise its the same tbh, won't be doing the toddler one though! X