Our day

My little girl is nearly 5 months old and exclusively breastfed. Does this look like a normal day to you? Really struggling to get her to nap at all 😩
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Agree with Sara regarding length of time spent feeding! Past a certain point the baby isn't getting as much as they're taking to keep eating. When my milk supply regulated I went to feeding her for ~30 mins total to between 10 and 15 for a full feed (on average, some are longer some are shorter). FWIW, I have a 5 month old as well. Our day is like this: 0630 - wake up, feed for 15 mins or so, then playtime or a walk 0815 - nap time anywhere from 45 mins to 2 hours... and that's where the predictability stops LOL. Depending on how long her naps go sort of determines the rest of the day but usually she's up for 2 hours between each period of rest. I feed her when she wakes up from naps usually and on occasion before them if it's been a while and I don't think she will sleep long enough without haha.

Echoing the above. I exclusively BF and my LO (4.5 months) breastfeeds about every 2.5-3 hours for about 15 mins or so. Once the “suck swallow” rhythm slows, I either switch her to the other boob or stop her since she’s not actually drinking anything, just sucking. That’s when a pacifier comes in handy. Are you also doing any playtime between napping and feeding? If not, I would incorporate that into your daily schedule - whether it’s tummy time, going for a walk, reading or making noises with her.

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