Baby girlđź©·

My chunky baby girl due June 16th but came June 8th via c-section after an unsuccessful induction. Went in for my growth scan on Wednesday at 38 + 3 and baby was weighing 4.15kg. I was told I had to pick between an induction and a c-section in the spot. I picked an induction and I was asked to come in that night. Came in at 8pm to be induced but I was induced at 3am on Thursday. The pessary was out and after 24hrs, there wasn’t much improvement as I was only 1cm. The 2nd pessary was put which got me 2cm and my waters were broken. This was at 12 am on Saturday. I managed to get to 3.5 cm and didn’t progress any further even as the hormonal drip kept being increased. By 6pm, I was asked if I wanted to continue and I just opted for a c-section straight up. Went into the theatre at 7:30 and baby was born a few minutes later weighing 4.57kg / 10.1lb🤣🤣.
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She’s the cutest chunky baby girl I’ve seen 🥺🩷 congrats mama!

Congratulations 🥳

Aw my first was 10lb1. Congratulations!

Her nose is adorbs! Congrats you did thattt!!

Congratulations 🎊 My husband was almost 11 pounds at birth too wow a beautiful healthy baby! I would definitely have opted for the C section too. They had to break his collar bone to get him out of his momma way back in the 80’s.

@Lu thank you❤️

@Alisea awwwn Thank you❤️

@Helen thank you❤️

@Hannah oh wow! Did you go on to have even bigger babies? Thank you ❤️

@Heather ikr! I did do that🤣 Thank you❤️.

@Marie oh God! Seriously? Did it have any lasting effects? Thank you❤️

@Kosi yes his shoulder bothers him off & on but nothing too bad. He broke that same collar bone also in a car accident when he was in his 20s but yeah his mom should’ve had a C section bc he could have been paralyzed bc his shoulders couldn’t fit, but thankfully wasn’t.

Wow, congrats 🎉!! And well done!! X


Congratulations! What a beautiful baby girl ❤️❤️

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