Maternity leave - teacher

Are there any other teachers here concerned they aren’t going to make it to summer? I’m due mid August and I’ll be 36w4d when we break up for summer holidays and I’m worried I can’t make it that far 🤦🏼‍♀️
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I’m due 31/08 but more than likely will have a section around the 16th. I’m struggling now. I can’t wait to finish. Is there no way you could finish earlier?

I probably could, I think it’s me fighting with my brain to keep going so I can get longer off with the baby🤦🏼‍♀️

I’m exhausted, but determined to make it to the summer so I don’t need to take my maternity until leave until my due date.

Yes! I am due on the 6th August and am working until the end. Got everything crossed I can make it to the finishing line :)

I don’t know how you all do it. I’m not a teacher but work in paediatrics and am finishing at 34 weeks and even that seems too hard right now! I’m too tired and I’m mentally checked out. I also want time to rest before baby comes as aware it is the last time I will have to rest in a long time!

I don’t know how it works for different teachers / schools etc. but, my friend had her little boy in August last year and went off on mat leave just before the summer holidays, so now she can go back to work for about 2 weeks before the summer holidays, then have full pay over the holidays and effectively (in her words) have a longer mat leave. I’m not a teacher, but I’m struggling, you’re not alone. Is there anything you can do to help ease your working day?

I’m trying to hold off until summer as my maternity leave will start on the day my little one is born so I will get paid fully over summer! Struggling but powering through! x

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