Ok, what do the moms do who want to go to a hair salon or gym etc.. you name it. Places where isn’t very toddler friendly. solo, single moms or moms with partners who don’t make up much time to stay with the LO. I wanna go to a hair salon badly! Do i take my toddler with me? I don’t have anyone i could leave him with. I wanna cry coz I wish I could go to gym regularly and at least get my hair cut every now and then. Anyone else finding it frustrating?
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With regards to the gym, we do a MummyFIT class once a week where you take your baby with you but it’s an exercise class for the mums. Still feel like I’m getting a bit of me time even though LO is with me. I’m sure a lot of hair salons would let you take LO.

How about a mobile hairdresser?

I think it depends what you're wanting to have done- if you're wanting you hair dyed and going to be a couple hours I don't think it's manageable. If it's a quick dry trim you could probably manage having toddler in the pushchair waiting but this would depend on space in the salon I'd say I've not been to the hair dressers in well over a year so my roots are ridiculous especially as my hair grows so quick! My partner works away and is only home on the weekend and no family support so when he is home I put little one to bed then go to the gym around 9pm while he watches her sleep haha. This is a new think and hasn't even been for a month yet but I'm hoping to try and stick at it.

I learn how to cut my own hair. On youtube are a lot of videos about It. Its note perfect but it's better that without the trim.

It’s not easy my dear but we move! So gym wise, David Lloyd (or any other that has a crèche) is my saviour. If you cannot access these then as someone else said mum and baby fitness class is a good one. I still go to those also! And walking, I also attend a walking group for mums with prams so that’s another good one 👍🏽 In regards to ME time, don’t really know what that is anymore lol but I go to the hair salon and beauty salon once a month and take baby with me. Did it with my other two aswell. Organisation is key!!! 🔑 with baby, I go around her nap times, (I have been establishing somewhat of a routine with her now at 3months) and book an early slot on a quiet day so the salon isn’t so noisy and busy! I also have frequent breaks during the styling process to sort baby out as and when. For the beauty salon it’s pretty much the same thing. I do my nails just after I’ve fed and changed her so I can get her in a good sleep and for facials,massage, wax etc I do the same thing. x

With my toddlers I tried to get them off to sleep also, (worked sometimes but not all the times, u know what toddlers are like!) or fed them and gave them something to occupy them, favourite toy, iPad etc whatever they liked. They would stay in the pram, but near to me so if they wanted to get out I could just let them out to sit on the sofa or on my lap. Plenty of snacks too! It’s wasn’t easy, but not impossible! I think because I go to the same places for hair and beauty my kids were used to the environment so kinda knew the drill when we were there lol. But I had taken them since babies and always picked early slots on quieter days which helped massively with the amount of breaks I may need to sort them. I had two toddlers (well 2 year age gap so felt like twins!) and I am in no means a super mum so if I can do it so can you! ❤️ Pamper yourself my love, you deserve it xxx

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