How do you get cosleeping toddlers to fall asleep?

How do you get your toddler (around 18 months) to fall asleep while cosleeping? I used to nurse him to sleep and he fell asleep easily and I just slept with him. That doesn't work anymore. He is wired at bed time rolling around the bed, climbing on me, babbling. I've read a lot about how to get them to sleep but it's all about being in their own bed. How do you get them to fall asleep when you sleep with them? In the past we've also rocked him to sleep but he is getting so heavy. He's never fallen asleep on his own. Stopping co sleeping isn't an option right now. We live in a one bedroom house but are moving in a few months. Until then, putting him in his own room isn't an option. Help!
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Hey bear on YouTube helped us. They have a couple sleep videos that are calming and peaceful and not bright. Not sure how you feel about screen time but it worked for us.

Have you tried meditation music

No advice, but I’m in the same boat with my 25 month old struggling with the same thing at the moment, I just lay with him until he eventually gets bored n falls asleep x

I switched from rocking to sitting down and jiggling my leg while she’s on me lol

I can't remember, but I had the same with mine. I think I just kept quiet and lay with him. Dark room. Offer boob. Sometimes dad would do the same, sing a few songs.

We just lay down together until she sleeps… takes about an hour! It’s sucks

I just lie in bed next to my 2.5 year old. Takes ages, 1 hour - 1.5 hours usually even if he’s reaaaaally tired🤦‍♀️ for my husband it’s about 10 mins 🤣

Mine has recently had the zoomies around bedtime and is doing exactly the same as yours. I typically let him get it out and then we read a book or two and he gets a bottle of milk. No rocking or anything.

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