TENS machine

Has any used or got a TENS machine? Do you think it’s worth getting?
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For me, it was absolutely amazing when I wasn't in the pool it was on all the time!

I've hired one from Amazon £25 can have it for 6 weeks xx

Yes defo recommend! I got mine from Boots x

Definitely. They can also be used for period pain/gynae/endo flare ups after the birth. I bought mine second hand for £10 and so far its been used for 6 births and hundreds of pain flare ups between me and my sisters. For labour I find they only work for the early contractions but you can get a good few hours relief off one xx

I highly recommend a TENS machine. It was my main form of pain relief through 48 hours of labour with my first. I was super skeptical as well but thought it was brilliant.

@Sarah how did you manage to do this? I didn't know amazon done this x

Yes definitely! Worked for me and allowed me to get some more rest. I’ve ordered one again this time, it’s definitely worth trying!x

@Liz Just out of interest, at what point did you put it on? I've got one from boots and it says use only in labour but I'm not sure what signs I'll get other than contractions that labour has started and I can safely put the machine on 😂

I put it on as soon a so had my first contraction x

@Tia it went on maybe 6 hours into contractions? The first ones were manageable. It was when they started ramping up the TENS machine went on. May have been a bit after that.. It was after my waters had gone, which didn’t happen particularly quickly. But honestly most of it is a bit of a blur now 😂 I don’t think you need to worry about when you’ll know to use it though - you’ll not need it until you are clearly in labour I’m sure!

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