Express how how comment made you feel. People in relationships don't talk as much as they should about their feelings and how they'd prefer to be treated and that's a major problem. From what I understand, he hurt your feelings. Does he know he did? Did he intend to with that "soft" comment? If he's able to relax as he pleases, shower as he pleases, without the disturbance of a parent it sounds like you allowed that dynamic..and now it's bothering you, the bed you made. I say talk it out and find an amicable solution before deciding to call it quits.
Tell him exactly what you wrote it always works for me having zero filter and saying exactly how I feel it. Idk what type of personality your husband has but it’s important for him to understand the work it takes. Like Elon musk said the hardest job in the world is being a stay home mom.
Any words of encouragement because at this point I’m don’t want to be with him anymore. Not only because of this but the dynamic of our relationship. I stay honestly for my son.