Yes unfortunately it’s common 😩 happening worse this pregnancy for me but there are excerises and/or therapy you can do to help
I’d say just ask your doctor which route is safe for you to use.
I had this start around that stage. I found prenatal yoga to be so so helpful. A daily even ten minutes of it helped me a lot, and then doing some of the stretches or moves through the day or in the middle of walks helped too. Lots of great guided videos online. Some moves that especially seemed to help me included child’s pose, leaning in a half moon type pose, and then doing big hip circles (like hula hooping without the hoop).
I got a belly belt/band that seems to be giving me some instant paid relief. Not entirely gone, but much more comfortable
Yes! It’s been so bad! Going up and down stairs, rolling over in bed and getting up from sitting hurts so bad! I started doing a few exercises and told my doctor about it yesterday. I’m going to ask for a physical therapist referral and might try chiropractor or acupuncture.