Pre op

What does the pre op consist of before my elective section please?? What tests will I have done?
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When I went for my pre op they just went over what was going to happen and measure me for the sexy stockings , some people have bloods done then aswel but I had my bloods taken before my pre op so didn’t need that

Others might have a different experience. I didn’t have anything but a appointment where I was just asked questions signed consent form was given tablets to take for procedures x

All mine was pre op bloods 2 days prior. I’d got my meds at my last Obs Dr appointment.

Had mine yesterday and I had bloods taken, BP checked and weight checked and then signed all the forms and was given tablets to take on the night before section and the day but they go through it all x

I had bloods taken and swabs to check for MRSA. That was all x

Bloods, BP and MRSA swabs

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