
Being induced tomorrow at 40+2, I was induced at 37 weeks with my first due to cholestasis and even though my blood work has tested negative this pregnancy I’ve had symptoms which make me nervous for still birth. I am ready to get her out and see that she’s healthy! Would have induced sooner but my husband was sick and thought he had Covid. With my first I was 37 weeks and effaced but not dilated at all, this time I lost my mucus plug Weeks ago, have been dilated at 2cm for weeks and 75% effaced a few days ago. We are skipping the cervidal and going straight to pitocin my OB said, I am nervous because my Induction took 30 hours last time on pitocin so I am hoping this one goes faster, but so nervous and excited, I know I wont sleep tonight!
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How exciting!! Hope it goes much faster this time 🙏🏻

@Dayna thank you!

Good luck!!!

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