Thank you, you are right- I wanted to talk about it straight away and resolve it and he’s just saying it needs to be face to face. I’m trying to put on a brave face for my daughter and family. I feel awful, I know my prodigies changed when my dad fell ill and I fell pregnant at the same time but I’m just trying to juggle and make everyone happy 💔
It turns out he was seeing someone ten years younger in falklands and he has left myself and his daughter 💔 he’s not serious about the other woman in the navy as he tries it on with me each time he comes over to see his daughter but knowing he’s messaging her, still I cannot touch anyone knowing they might be a thing but feel like a mug at the same time
I’d wait until he gets home and talk about it face to face. Just be aware that one of the female stress response wants to talk about things m where as the male stress response wants to fight or flee (or freeze). Sometimes we do need to give our men space to calm down so we can talk about it rationally. I hope you guys can sort it out! It’s so hard when they’re away. Sending hugs ❤️