CMPA, Silent reflux or Colic?

My little girl is 4 weeks on sat and for the first two weeks she was very content and settled. I exclusively breast feed or express into a bottle so my husband can bond and help out. In the very rare occasion I may top her up with formula but stopped doing this due to her becoming increasingly uncomfortable and straining. She had aptamil advance and I found her poo to have a bit of mucus in and a speckle of boood so thought she might have an intolerance so cut it out completely. However since only having breast milk she is still the same. She is only ever sick if she’s laid flat too soon after a feed or if she’s getting herself really worked up. She is very hard to wind but we do get some burps/trumps out of her but all day she is constantly straining. Her poos are normal consistency and are the usual mustard yellow. Even after she’s pooed she is still fussy and straining so hard. It’s ten times worse on a night where I cannot out her down or settle her. She strains so hard she’s bright red and then is that upset she will be frantic at the breast and won’t feed. Has anyone had anything like this? I went to the gp who had no clue and sent me to the hospital who sent me away and said it was “just colic” and this is common. But I feel I’m being fobbed off for being a FTM and coming across overly anxious. I’ve booked another gp app today as she shouldn’t be like this all day and night surely? She’s had corelief drops and infacol and it hasn’t worked at all. I also do paced feeding and if she is on expressed milk we burp between every oz. I’m also thinking of completely cutting diary out of my diet to see if that helps her. I’m just feeling at a completely loss as the first 2 weeks she was so settled and happy and it breaks my heart to see her so unsettled! TIA
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So I was told by the dr that cat that young age it’s normal to have blood in her 💩 bc it’s your blood that her body is working out

@Clare oh really I didn’t know that thanks!

Keep your food diary. 🤓 Good choice to cut dairy. Next try the gluten and eggs ✨

@Sav I’ve just ordered these do you give before every feed?

Have you looked into tongue tie? ❤️

My daughter had terrible colic from tongue tie x

@Lauren i only give it to her when she has formula (only because that what works best for us) and I read from reviews it is better to put it in the bottle of whatever you’re feeding her to reduce the bubbles which I have visibly noticed, especially in comparison to the previous drops we were using (lactulose and infacol). You can only give it 6 times a day though. I don’t give it if she’s having breast because she never seems to be as bad after breast so don’t feel the need. You defo could give it to her just in the syringe it comes with before a breast feed (or formula) though, it does say that on the packet!

Just to confirm it hasn’t ‘cured’ her but she is noticeably more chilled and much less squirmy!!

@Kimberley I’m waiting for an appointment for them to have a look the HV said they wouldn’t cut it due to it being set back and her gaining weight…

@Sav thank you so much it’s arriving tomorrow even if it settles her slightly that would be a huge win!

My little girl is 13 days old and for the past few days she has started lifting her legs to her tummy and screaming and crying. She writhes about. Clenches her fists. Goes bright red. It’s SO much worse at night. We soothe her, burp her etc and nothing seems to work. She is soooo windy. Sometimes we get some good burps out which definitely helps her but then we have times like last night where nothing works and she screams non stop in pain. When she roots I offer breast and she just latches and unlatches and becomes more distressed. It’s awful isn’t it? I have no idea what it is and how I can help her. I wasn’t sure if it was colic, one MW said too soon for colic whereas another said that it could be. I’ve just picked up some infacol and hoping that will help her 😓 from one FTM to another that is struggling, I’m sending hugs xx

I have just switched our 4 week old daughter to prescription milk free formula after seeing the GP yesterday and there is a huge difference! We were the same as you, she was content and happy but a couple of times wouldn’t have a poo for 48 hours. She also was in pain as her legs kept rising and she was crying and thrashing which is not like her at all. We did infacol which got her bowels moving again but since taking her off it she has been better. HV suggested we see GP as these were her symptoms: - scream after a feed, regardless of if it was formula or breast milk - bloated and quite firm tummy - small rash appeared on her tummy - poo and wee normal - sick 30 mins - 2 hours after every feed (and a lot, usually half if not all her feed) GP examined her yesterday and said symptoms point to cows milk protein allergy and prescribed her formula. Since then she’s not been lifting her legs in pain or thrashing around / crying after feeding and a lot more content. X

My little boy went thru all the same exact things she is and all the drs said it was "colic and it will get worse before it gets better" but that was NOT an answer for me! I didn't produce enough to give him breast milk but if I did the Dr said I needed to cut ALL dairy out of MY diet, but he is on Alimentum formula for his CMPA (if alimentium didn't work then the Dr was going to put him on Elecare) but alumentum worked great! Then the Dr prescribed Famotidine for his acid reflux! Both worked wonders and he has been happy ever since. I will post a video of how he was before the med and formula change (it is sad)

So sad all the pain he had. (The car was parked for those wondering why his seat belt wasn't on)

@Jade that’s exactly how my little girl is so I have to get an expressed bottle of milk as she’s that upset she will not latch it’s been awful I cannot put her down so I barely get any sleep and it’s been like this for just over a week.

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I would go private, for tongue tie, contact a infant feeding team member ❤️

My girl was gaining weight but at a cost of not sleeping and drip feeding 24/7 x

I’m definitely going to cut dairy out of my diet and see how that fairs. I’ve got an appointment at 4pm today and it’s the same gp as before so I won’t be letting it drop he was useless and used google before sending us up to hospital.

@Lauren How did you get on at the GP lovely? My little boy is 20 months old now but when he was a newborn, we experienced the exact symptoms as your little one. The first 2 weeks, no issues and then after that it was so so hard. My boy had CMPA along with silent reflux, constipation and tongue tie. I would suggest cutting out all dairy and keeping her upright after feeds for 10-15 minutes with lots of attempts to burp burp burp. Good luck and hope she feels more comfortable soon xx

Had exactly this with my first, I insisted to the DRs I was sure it was a dairy allergy, was made to try a few formulas and cut out dairy from my diet and then also soy & eventually once they put her on a completely dairy free formula (also breast feeding with no dairy in my diet) that she got better It took a few months to get to that point My daughter is now 2.5 and halfway up the dairy ladder !

My little one was the exact same it was awful I could of written this , we moved in to cmpa milk but also after a trip to the hospital for rsv he was started on omeprazole for reflux it contuinued I asked them to up it and honestly he settled so much better the constant pain was awful he would strain so much he was pumping all the time , I also realised the more I tried to wind the worse it would be it actually made the reflux worse he changed over night, xxx

@Lauren how is it going??

@Sav so difficult 😥 the drs keep fobbing me off. I’m dairy free which hasn’t changed anything with her. I don’t think she has cmpa I feel it’s more silent reflux. I’ve tried every colic remedy under the sun. Baby massage, baths. She just cries constantly so both of us are barely getting any sleep. Her belly is so hard and tender to touch so if you do try and massage she just cries out. She’s now started spitting up bits of her milk (she’s exclusively breast fed) I’m going to call the dr back tomorrow as surely there’s something they can give to help as it’s breaking me not being able to console/help my baby

Worth looking at cutting soy out too if you can just to check. Have you had her tongue tie checked? X

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