I was induced with my 1st on November 7th, 2009 at 6:30 am and had her 12 hours later. She was 8lbs 7oz and my body never went into active labor, contractions were still 5+ minutes apart while pushing. With my 2nd I went in after my water broke 2 weeks before my due date on May 14th, 2013 at 8am. 3 hours later and contractions never started so they induced me. 12 hours later and there was no change so I ended up having an emergency c-section due to her coming shoulder 1st. 3rd one was my favorite delivery! Showed up at the hospital at 7am on January 2, 2023 and had my baby via c-section 30 minutes later. My body doesn't labor well and wish I would've had a c-section with my 1st as well. Recovering from an episiotomy and 2nd degree tear are a lot worse. I would highly suggest looking into a c-section since you said your body was fighting the induction process.
I've always heard unless baby's heart rate decreases or they see via sonogram that amniotic fluid is decreasing it's ok to go past the due date and wait for your body to start labor naturally! I don't get what the big pushy pressure is. I agree with the comments above - ask for pros and cons of waiting to labor naturally vs induction and make that choice based on facts not what they think would be best
I was induced with my second due to too much fluid and gestational diabetes. My first labor was about two days long and second one which was an induction was 6 hours! First baby was stuck and second slid right out
No advice to give, but just wanted to say I had my first January 2023 and I’m due with my second baby this month as well! Currently 38w5d. Good luck to you!
I gave birth in Jan 2023 too. Hos due date was the 16th. I was induced the 26th and he was born the 29th. My story is a little different because my body was fighting it as well and I didn't make it to a vaginal birth before they did an emergency csection. That being said the induction was miserable and the moment they disconnected the medication from my system I felt substantial relief. My OB said that could be my body's reaction to the medication. I've also heard from people that have done both that induction was more difficult. That being said Ask your ob directly if they would consider your condition a threat to either life and if they say yes (don't let them say anything but yes or no) then ask them to document that. Often times they push inductions and csections because it's more convenient for the pros. But it's you health and your baby don't let them bully you.