How many pushes did it take to get your baby out? 😅

Wondering as I'm debating if I can do it without an epidural by concentrating on it being temporary pain. I know everyone is different but some experiences would be helpful thank you!
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A lot of pushes…I pushed for almost 3.5 hours. She would get close then go right back in. It was exhausting. I got an epidural when my contractions became unmanageable but I also knew that the epidural wouldn’t be fully effective on me (I’ve always required extra pain meds since the “normal” doses don’t work). I felt quite a bit still but again, my situation isn’t normal. Epidurals work for most people. You would need to get one well before the pushing stage though.

I did not get an epidural. I waited to push until I felt the urge to push. Once I started feeling the urge to push when I had contractions, I left my nurse know and they checked and confirmed I was 10 cm dilated. I pushed for less than 10 minutes and he was out. This was my first so I don’t have anything to compare it to.

Also, with an epidural (if you're like me), you are completely dead from your midsection to toes. I had to "practice" pushing before they had me try to push. Nurses and/or husband may have to help you pull your legs up during pushing. The practice they had me do was basically tug of war with a blanket to help me "feel" how I need to push without tugging on a blanket lol. It was weird feeling that numb and trying to push. It took a bit but it was painless and didn't take too long as far as I recall.

i have no idea how many but i pushed for an hour. i did it without any pain medication, pushing was definitely the hardest part for me but you can do it! it’s definitely good to remember that’s it’s temporary pain and pain that has such a huge reward. look up FER (fetal ejection reflex)! it’s when your body pushes on it own, it only happened for a moment during my labor but i believe that was because there was so much chaos around me i was having trouble focusing.

I pushed for about an hour. Had an epidural early on cause I was in early labor with too many contractions for over 24 hours so I was being exhausted after not sleeping for 3 days. But since I got it early epidural was wearing off a bit towards the end. I could move my legs and even felt the contractions before the nurse saw them happening on the monitor

I also was like you, thinking I could do temporary pain. But mine was too long I knew I wouldn't have the energy to push but wish you the best of luck

I had no epidural just gas and air. I felt myself needing to push and I could feel the whole delivery which was pretty amazing. My partner sprayed me with canned water and then use a mini fan, to keep me cool and that gave me sudden bursts of energy too- really really recommend xx

I did it without medication and he was my first. I slept through most of my contractions until I was about 9cm and I was up and down because I kept feeling like I needed to poop. My nurse came in to check me, walked out to get the doctor and I pushed once and he was out. Weirdest experience ever

It took me 3 pushes but when I got to the hospital I was already 7cm dilated so they rushed my process. Epidural definitely gave me relief doctor said my son was ready to come out!!!

If you push when your body tells you to, and if you are in a position where gravity helps, it shouldn't take long. Laying on your back pulling your legs up us the worst possible position to birth in. I just gave birth to my 6th child 3 weeks ago on my hands and knees on my bathroom floor, caught by daddy. It usually takes me about 3 contractions, once I feel that strong need to push, I give it my all, the first push moves the baby's head to the opening, the second push I push her head out, next contraction I push the body out.

I pushed for just over 30 minutes with no pain relief with my son who was born back-to-back. I found pushing the hardest part as I had to be on my back due to monitoring. Hoping to be able to be in a better position for my second in a few weeks.

My first I pushed for an hour, my second she came out on my very first push. So you never really know how long it’s going to take. Also depends how big the baby is too

@Javacia girl what! That’s incredible! I was in labour for 4 days and pushed for 3 hours 🥲

Pushing was 18minutes. But getting him down there was 13 hours. It was an induction so unsure if that made a difference. But only 18mins of activity pushing xx

Also had the epidural but stopped pushing the button for the medicine about an hour before and was just on gas and air so feeling started coming back by the time it came to push. Xx

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One push 🙈 I didn't have an epidural and had 18 hours of labour but he was a one push baby. The midwife didnt have time for gloves 😂 My little girl was 5 minutes of pushing and 5 hours of unmedicated labour. It's definitely doable but each labour is different. You can always opt for pain medication if you feel it's too much.

@sophie I think the only reason is because I was in active labor for a week at home and didn’t even know. I was having contractions and was writing them off as Braxton hicks 😂

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