My little one mostly contact nap or naps in the pram or car. Transition is a no-no, he will always wake up. I can put him down in his cot but he will only do about half an hour to 45 minutes.
Yeah. The wee one is going through a needy phase. He’ll still go to sleep in the car and pram but other than that he wants to sleep on me for his naps. We have never co slept so I personally am quite enjoying it. It’s nice to feel needed. Not sure how long I will hold this opinion though 😂
Same here, I used to be able to transfer her for a good 60-90 mins in the morning at least. Now its hit or miss, sometimes wakes after 5 mins or 30 mins and have to contact nap. Its always contact or pram when we are out. Second nap also hit or miss lol and third cat nap is always a contact nap with Daddy after work 😂
We had this and just one day recently she stopped getting upset on transfer and we did nothing different!