Sleeping through the night?

Are y’all’s Oct 22’ kiddos sleeping through the night majority of the time? All the time? Never? My son only sleeps through the night MAYBE once a week. Bedtime is 7:30/7:45pm and he’s awake by 5:50am every morning no matter what. When he wakes up he will not go back to sleep unless I go in their room and hold him in the recliner the rest of the night, if I try to put him back in his crib he’s wide awake for the rest of the night. He’s never coslept with us other than me having to hold him in the recliner like this, never slept in our bed. He literally won’t sleep in our bed. I’ve tried when desperate for sleep. We also have a Oct 21’ son that still wakes up occasionally too but his are way less, he only wakes up maybe twice a week. (This one did cosleep in bed with us until he turned 2)
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Yes! Our little one sleeps through the night in her room unless there’s a regression or teething. Have you considered that his bedtime is too early or that he isn’t tired enough when going to bed? Is there a consistent bedtime routine in place?

We bed share and it honesty depends lol. Some nights he’ll only wake up once and will settle with some soothing, other nights are rough and he is tossing and turning all night, and some other nights he sleeps through. He’s got molars coming in right now so nights have been hard again while we wait for it to pass.

we’ve been sleeping through since 11 months 10.5 hours overnight lines up with our babes at this age, what time are you offering nap when he wakes at 6? might just need a slight adjustment!

@Alyssa we have had the same nighttime routine forever. Dinner, play, bath, Jammie’s sometimes play some more, milk/water, brush teeth, snuggle time/rock, calming music/sound machine on, once asleep put him in crib. He’s never fallen asleep in his crib on his own. Always asleep by 7:45, but never before 7:30

My son rarely sleeps through the night. He’s never slept well though. But he tends to wake up probably 1 time every night and will either cry at his door until my husband or I go in and sit with him until he falls back asleep or he will cry and point to come lay in our bed for the rest of the night. I have a 5 month old too though so I sometimes wonder if he’s just jealous and trying to get as much parent time as he can

How long are his daytime naps (is it possible he’s getting too much daytime sleep)? What happens if you let him try to fall asleep in his crib (maybe he just doesn’t have independent falling asleep skills yet)? Our LO sleeps through the night nearly every night, but she sleeps with a pacifier still (😫). Going to sleep by herself was tough for a while though. Honestly what made a difference for us was knowing that she can understand us and saying like “it’s sleepy time, I can’t pick you up tonight, but I’ll rub your back. Would you like that?” Going to sleep independently made a big different in her overall night time sleep.

My LO also sleeps through the night, maybe once a week. She was doing better before I got off for summer vacation. She would sleep in her bed most nights, and I would have to cosleep with her 2-3 times a night. Since I've been off, we cosleep most nights, and I might get one night a week to myself. It's really bad right now!! She'll wake up 3-4 times a night before I give in and just sleep with her. I rock her to sleep every time, and by the 2nd - 3rd time, I always change her and give her warm milk. It doesn't matter 😔! She was sleeping in her bed through at least one nap a week, and now she isn't 😒. I typically rock her back to sleep, but at this point, I feel like I need to do something different. I feel like I have no time to myself, and it's driving me crazy!! LO typically wakes around 5:45 am - 6:30 am. Goes to sleep around 6:30 - 7pm. Naps are around 10:30 - 11am and she was napping for 1:30 - 2 hours, but the past week it's been 1 - 1 1/2 hours.

@Katie they go to daycare and from what they tell me he sleeps anywhere from 1.5-2 hours depending on the day. Never longer. If I let him cry in his crib he will cry and scream so much he will throw up. We still use pacifiers at night only.

Our LO has been sleeping through the night since he was 6 months old. We chose to sleep train early on and not do the co-sleeping, and it’s worked out in our favor. He gets a bath (with lavender) majority of the night starting at 6:30 and down in his crib at 7:30pm, and we’ve stuck to that routine. I’ve noticed routine has worked for us and my LO as we’ve gone through sleep training. He does 10.5 hours with very little waking. The only time we see a regression is when he is teething or not feeling well, but that is far and few between. We’ve also made a point during the night and even early mornings that if he wakes, we do not rush in to grab him, even if he is crying (a little). There is a 75% chance he would put himself back to sleep by soothing himself. Just sharing our strategy and hope some of what I share will help you. Stay strong and I’m sure you’ll find a perfect structure. 🫶🏽

Ours almost never sleeps through the night. Every once in a while, but he's up almost every single night between 11:30pm and 1:30am, wakes up, wants to snuggle and then pretty much goes right back to bed for the rest of the night. We have a super strong routine, do all we can to set him up to sleep through the night but between teething, ear infections, sleep regressions, we just can't get there

My daughter has never slept through the night. Now and then we get a 5 hour stretch, but honestly that’s pretty rare.

My son didn't start sleeping through the night until he was in his own room at 14 months on a floor bed. He never slept in a crib. He hated it. He never fell asleep in a crib and when we placed him in one after he was asleep he would wake up multiple times a night. Once we got the floor bed, I'd lay with him until he fell asleep and now only wakes up if teething or is in a sleep regression.

@Laci well I talked a big game but here I am up with her at 2am 🤷🏻‍♀️ That sounds like the right amount of daytime sleep to me! I would try hard to remember that it’s “all a phase” and I’m sure good sleep is coming for you soon!! (Although I know that advice is probably not helpful when you’re in the thick of not sleeping 😭) hugs to you!

Ours has been sleeping through the night since he was 5/6 months old because we sleep “trained” him. Wakes up at 7:30/8am, naps between 12:30 to 2:30 and in bed by 8:30. He rolls around and babbles until he falls asleep.

She’s only slept through the night a handful of times. She wakes 1x night normally and up super early like you. Right now it’s worse and I can’t put her back in crib and just sleep with her. I think maybe a molar is coming in.

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Thank you everyone for responding. I know this is just a “season of life” and eventually he will sleep better but man I’m tired trying to get there. We have a few other struggles that prevent us from doing things like others do so finding a routine for us has been hard. 1. My husband is partially deaf and has a hearing aid for one ear and a cochlear implant on the other which obviously he sleeps with neither so all night time duties generally fall on me cause I have to wake up to wake him up anyways and 2. My father had a severe stroke lake November so my husband, kids and I all moved into his house to take care of him and he is completely paralyzed on the entire right of his body and has some mental deficits. He struggles when the boys are crying, so doing any sort of sleep training is pretty much out of the question. We will get through it, I know we will. But seriously thank you to everyone for your responses and support!

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