Yeah, I know what you mean. Pregnancy can be a sensitive topic for some so don't want to make too big a deal of it. But also not saying anything and some people awkwardly glancing at my bump just feels a bit awkward too, as if they aren't sure they are meant to acknowledge it or not.
I told a few people as and when it came up and then word kinda just spread :-)
Just showed my scan picture. Pregnancy can be sensitive but there’s no reason why you shouldn’t be celebrating x
i told my manager and then in the staff room i was eating my lunch and she said something about me eating for 2, everyone knew from then on, i preferably wanted to wait til i was after 12 weeks my family didn't even know yet, but oh well it happened and everyone was nice about it xx
I told close colleagues and higher ups at 6 weeks due to HG, and announced at 12 weeks with a scan picture :)
I waited for them to see my bump 😂😂
I’m a midwife. The fact I managed to keep it hidden as long as I did was a miracle! I told one colleague early on as she was asking about if we were planning any more kids and she sussed from my face at being out on the spot 😂 I told my manager after we’d had a reassurance scan because my sickness was so bad I couldn’t do all of my usual stuff so needed workload changing….i told my immediate team on our what’s app group after the big shock of our 12 week scan and everyone else I told when I got back to the office in total shock after being told our 1 baby at 8 weeks was now 2 on our 12 week scan!
I told my small team in our morning briefing. Only about 6 of us in but they'd been picking up a bit of my load, things that weren't safe for me to do any longer for a bit so I wanted to tell them straight up so they didn't think I was just being lazy 🙈
I told my boss a couple of days before my scan and then took in cakes after my scan and obviously they asked what cakes were for so told them
most of my mates found out on a nite out wen I wasn't drinking 😂😂.
To some I mentioned in a conversation if we talked about more than work (I work from home), but most found out on a meeting to which I wasn’t present- so they started congratulating me with emails 😂 a bit awkward with some but didn’t seem like calling them and telling them as if i was bragging about it 😄 I’m told my logic is not very good but what can you do lol