Mine rolled front to back first to avoid tummy time, just under 3 months, but forgot how as her weight distribution changed (their heads become more proportionate, she used to just yeet her head and let it carry her weight 😂). She could have rolled both ways by 5 months, but took her sweet time with it and even after she did it, and was doing it consistently, she was never much interested. Some babies just aren't. She doesn't crawl at almost 9 months. Doesn't even try. She kind of stretches and maybe inches a little, but hates it because it's hard work. I can sit her down and she'll stay up unassisted, but she won't get into that position from the floor and won't get up on her hands and knees. She wants to walk and cruise, but gets frustrated trying to pull herself up and demands that I help. Point is I'm not concerned she isn't crawling or sitting up at her age. Babies are all different. If they want to get around, they will. Some just flat aren't interested until walking comes around, then they are.
My LO has just turned 9 months and has only just rolled front to back, but only in her cot for sleep 🤣 she’s showing signs she’s ready to crawl but just gets frustrated so has learnt to stretch and dig her feet in to get what she wants 🤣
Thank you I appreciate these x
No need to be concerned at this point, my daughter crawled around 8 months and walked at 10 but never learnt to roll over she’s almost 15 now and perfectly normal (besides being a teenager of course 😂)
I don’t think you should be concerned, babies that are crawling at 6 months are definitely advanced for their age not average. People love to boast when their child can do something at a young age, but if you focus on it you’ll be focusing on it for her entire life, as the boasting never stops. Keep trying with the tummy time, she’ll learn to love it soon, likely when she begins rolling x