If you are in the U.K., a dr has to come and check you before release and check baby, make sure you tell them. Ask to see a dr before if you can, this doesn’t sound normal. I had my c section in the morning, later that evening I had the catheter removed and I weed by myself straight away. They don’t usually discharge you until you can take a wee alone, I’m sure just wetting yourself does not class as being able to pass urine!!! Xxx
Hi, I’ve had two c-sections. My second recovery was hard and I wasn’t walking until day 3 so it does sometime take longer for others. If you’re in the UK the midwives are so rushes off their feet they dismiss things for being ‘Normal’ however I would be really forceful And demand to see a doctor. Might all be fine but while caring for a newborn, your health comes and don’t worry about annoying a midwife and overriding them! Hope you’re ok and congratulations xx
I’ve had two sections, one emergency and one planned and honestly this doesn’t sound normal at all! Please make sure you raise this with a doctor!
Omg no please please please speak to someone about this and don’t take “it’s normal” as an answer, i had an emergency c section with a catheter also and before they let me home two days later I’d to pee normally myself and i was able to do this 6 hours after catheter removed and was allowed home
It happened to me, it’s the catheter, took me a couple of days I remember getting out of bed and just wet myself.
Ask to speak to a doctor. I had the opposite happen to me. I was sat for 20+ minutes on the toilet trying to release my bladder while crying because it hurt so bad. It took 3 days of begging for antibiotics before they’d give me them for the bladder infection I knew I had
This happened after my c section, speak to a midwife they can check if it’s simply dehydration or a lazy bladder which can happen after a catheter, they shouldn’t let you leave before you pee a certain amount.
I had an emergency c section with my first baby and lost 2 Litres of blood and required a transfusion and an overnight stay in high dependency unit. I felt absolutely awful but I had the opposite to you, I really struggled to go despite drinking loads. I'm assuming you can't feel the sensation to go? I've also had an elective c section and it can take a while for your bladder to wake up but I would definitely raise this with a doctor, I highly doubt they will discharge you with no bladder control whatsoever.
Do you have a partner there with you? Or a family member. Tell them they need to start asking questions. You need to ask to see the best doctor they have mama. None of this is “normal.” That’s not to say you won’t be ok, but this is not typical for c sections. It sounds like lazy bladder. I did my c section with only over the counter pain meds like Motrin once I was out of surgery. Please try to come down on the pain meds so you can be more alert and try to get moving around more. It’s very important you get out of that bed so you don’t get blood clots. I would also be asking to find out anything abnormal that happened during surgery. Usually they have paperwork that gives a play by play of what happened and when. And tell them you know pissing with absolutely no control over your bladder is not normal! And they can start trying to figure out what’s going wrong because you won’t be taking normal for an answer! I am PRAYING for you mama! These doctors are something else these days!!
I had something like this happen to me but I had a vaginal birth. I didn’t have a sensation to urinate and would urine come out instantly when I used to stand up. I was fobbed off and was constantly told just to do pelvic floor exercises. I knew something was wrong but doctors just told me I had urine infections so I was on antibiotics. Two weeks later I couldn’t urinate at all as I was in complete retention. And two swollen kidneys due to back flow. I was in a catheter for 5 months (Jan-June 2023). Since then I have been catheter free. You urgently need a bladder scan done. To make sure you’re not retaining as this could be overflow incontinence.
Oh my gosh I’m so sorry! I had an emerge c section and didn’t experience this so I don’t really have any advice:( I was up showering and peeing normally after about 24 hours, discharged at 36. I’m no doctor but as Daria said, this does not sound normal at all. My biggest advice would just be to make sure you advocate for yourself as hard as you can! Tell any doctor or nurse who checks on you!