
How do I get my son to sleep longer stretches? He’s still waking up every 2-3 hours! We started giving purees recently so I thought that would help but clearly not lol will take any tips or tricks! TIA!
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I’ve heard the first year this is entirely normal. Frustrating, but normal. Is baby teething? Too hot? Sleep regression? Growth spurt? All those can affect sleep

If you’d like to get him to sleep longer stretches, the two factors to dial in is 1. How much he sleeps during the day 2. How much he eats during the day The more they sleep during the day, the less they sleep at night. Some minimum amount of sleep is required of course for days and nights. The more the baby eats during the day, the less he will require at night. My 6mo currently sleeps from 8:30-6:30 and I followed a mix of 12 hours of sleep by 12 weeks along with the Ferber method :) I used Ferber for both and find it to be most effective/ what sleep consultants prescribe when you pay someone 1000s to help sleep train.

This may be totally coincidental but when we moved our babe into his own room he started sleeping longer stretches. He’s still waking up twice in the night but longer in between and later in the morning. Might have to do with bigger crib and less subtle noise around

My little girl doesn’t sleep through the night aswell , I give her porridge and purée she still gets up for milk 🥴 exhausted

@Jane hey Jane , do you give your little one porridge as the last meal ? What time ? My little girl is still waking up. How did you start with the Ferber method . Did you start implementing in the daytime or nighttime 🙃 help

Hi @Nava! How old is your little girl? We don’t feed any porridge or carbs, just started introducing some protein and vegetables but mostly he’s on breast and formula milk still. His last meal is around 7:30, and he goes down around 7:45. He drinks his bottle four times a day (every 4 hours) and now eats a wee bit of solids (insignificant amount of calories). Sleep training is easiest at night when sleep pressure is the highest.

How do we increase sleep pressure? @Jane

@Jan make sure the room is really dark (maybe black out curtains), soothing with white noise, baby is fed and room is a good temperature for sleeping. I believe 70 degrees and some humidity to help their nose stay clear. Also some babies just want to be close to mama. My baby sleeps and wakes a few times during the night, but I have her crib opened and connected to the side of my bed. She wakes, I’ll feed her half awake and she falls back asleep. bedsharing was the only thing that saved me

@Jane hey Jane, she will be 7month soon. She’s fully breastfed so she’s constantly on me even after introducing solids lol Am doing everything like black out curtains , white noise but she still wakes but for feeds in the night . She won’t take a bottle 😭

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