Girl I’m exactly in the same boat. I’m not working rigjt now and my partner and I are barely scraping by every month. My son is only going to be 18 months by the time this one is born. I was scared to tell everyone. But I eventually did. My partner and his family, including my brother, all said congratulations and seemed excited for us. My mom, dad, sister didn’t say anything and just said good luck pretty much. It’s getting past caring what our families say and just living our life. They can congratulate us on things we do with our life or they can hate. I just let them feel how they want cause at the end of the day are they paying my bills and wiping butts over here ?! Lmao, nope.
@Sharon I already receive benefits from food stamps and I will get Wic again but I just wish I could get a little more hours at work so that I know I can be secure. I get medicaid for being disabled as well so I don't know what else I would be able to get.
That is great you’re already getting those benefits. Have you asked any of your case managers about job support programs that could help you search for jobs with better hours/pay or coach you through negotiating with your current employer for the hours you want? It sounds like you’re working really hard already and your family is lucky to have you supporting them!
It is totally OK for you to be nervous about the change and also be excited about this beautiful addition coming to your family! Everything will be OK in the end and you and your partner will figure out what you need to do to take care of your kiddos. Are you connected with any social service programs in your community that can help you get benefits you might qualify for, health insurance, job programs (if you or your SO are looking for a job with more benefits)?