My baby was like that when he was 4mo.. we ultimately did sleep training because our pediatrician recommended it since he was waking up all the time & he wasn’t even hungry or had a full diaper. Before we did the sleep training we knew our baby was capable of self soothing, so we knew he was able to soothe himself back to sleep
I started to give my LO an ounce or so more before bed and that would work great. We also purchased a sleep sack (non weighted) because we actually noticed he would cry when he was cold so once we purchased a sleep sack his sleep kept getting longer and longer at night. A lot of people recommended cereal in his bottle but I never really thought that was safe so what I did was blend my my oatmeal and mix some in a little bowl and give it to him about an hour before bed then his bottle. Also, my little one got his first tooth at about 5 months so that could be it too….
Sleep training helped us a lot. We did a Ferber style. We started at 4 months and we share the room as well
I second the sleep sack! Also a consistent nighttime routine (I'm sure you have one already). But my boy just turned 1 and is just now starting to sleep through the night (once in a while). He still gets up once or twice most nights. Unfortunately it's very normal for babies to wake frequently. But definitely talk to a sleep coach if that's something you're able to do!
How much your little one weighs? My baby boy is 4months and unfortunately is not weighing enough in order to sleep train him. If your kid is at least 15 pounds you can sleep train her. I used Ferber method of sleep training with my first daughter and I was able to make her sleep trough the night at 6m 7pm to 7am (from 4-6 months I feed her once at 11pm). If you are decided highly recommend the method even though it is very hard for about a week. But completely worth the effort. If you have any questions please feel free to send me a DM. Hang there momma! We can do it 🙌🏼 my son is still waking up 2-3 times at night so I feel you.
My 3 month old was like that too. You're doing all the right things. I found that during the day he would fight sleep and I would try to cradle him to sleep. But from around 3 months onwards you should just put bub down in a dark and quiet room after 2/3 hours of being awake. My little one has a shorter wake window start of the day (1.5 hours then 30/45min nap). When you notice bub is getting a little sleepy try put her down and let her fall asleep on her own. It's okay is she fusses for 10/15 min, then she should fall asleep. If you sleep with her blanket then your smell will be on the blanket and she'll feel safe and is more likely to fall asleep. I am also rubbing sleepy magnesium balm under bubs feet about one hour before his bedtime. I got this one: But depending on what country you're in there are some really nice ones out there. Magnesium helps to calm nerves and helps for sleeplessness. Also great for yourself ♥️
I often told myself, my baby is feed, my baby is dry, my baby is loved. If he cries a bit it is okey and completely normal.
You can try a pacifier or try to give her a bottle around an hour and a half later when she’s half asleep, don’t wake her up ( it won’t always work and every baby is different)… babies also around 4 months or a little before or after gets sleep regression it can last 2-6 weeks and try to have her in a sleep schedule and repeatedly do it every night (if you decide to read a book, put a lalaby, bathing, etc). Oh and something that I did, I don’t know if it will work for you but I have a blanket for my girls that’s a bit heavy (it’s not weighted but it is a bit thick) and it makes me think that they feel maybe more secure like maybe we are with them and for last, I would warm up they’re crib before putting them in (so I don’t have a dryer but if you do you can dry her blanket lay it on top or also grab a large container add hot water put a lid so it doesn’t spill and put it where she is going to lay down)… I hope it works
Have you tried the dreamland sleep sacks?? My son did the same thing until I put him in that and he’s 3 months and sleeps 7 hours through the night
My LO doesn’t sleep through the night yet at 3 months but he only wakes once which is not bad in my opinion! He use to wake up constantly when he slept next to me because I really think he sensed me. It took us moving him to his room and we also started using the baby Merlin’s magic sleepsuit which has helped in transitioning him to be able to self soothe. We also feed him more before bed, I typically feed him 4-5oz from me and another 2-4oz from a bottle. We also try to get as close to his full days worth of oz before bedtime that way he gets all of his calories in before bed and that way he’s nice and full to go longer stretches without eating! Hope this helps!
I take my 4mo for a walk around 7:15 until 7:45 then give him a nice warm bath put some lavender lotion and get his dressed in his pjs I make sure I’m in a dark room with little to no noise then he takes a 8oz bottle(formula)I burp him and let him latch for a couple minutes and he sleeps around 9 - 9:30 until 6am. I also would swaddle him. I started when he was around 6-7 weeks and he has slept thru the night. I think what helps is to make sure he is full and well burped cause if he has any gas he will wake up
If you haven’t already, I highly recommend following taking Cara babies on instagram and her blog! Everything I have read from her has helped me tremendously!!
My boy was 10 weeks when we started co sleeping on a floor bed and he immediately slept through the night. At first he slept the entire night on my chest (head against breast and tummy to tummy) and slowly I could lay him against me, zo now we just sleep next to each other. He also sleeps in a little sleeping sack and we have a white noise machine with thunder storm sounds. He drinks enough trough the day. That’s what worked for us. But like I said, he was 10 weeks (now 3 months) so maybe we’re just lucky
I also have a 4 1/2 month old and working on my sweetie pie’s sleep. First, how long has your LO been waking every 1.5 hours? My guess is she is going through the dreaded 4 month sleep regression (which can last just a few days or up to a few weeks). It’s totally normal, but so so hard! My LO just finished going through it. I agree with Haley on the ‘Taking Cara Babies comment, she I so helpful! I also HIGHLY recommend the Merlin’s Sleep Suit, amazing I also recommend reading/listening to the book, ‘The Happy Sleeper.’ To summarize a couple of key points, start putting your baby down ‘drowsy but awake’ (if you haven’t started doing that already)- it’s important for babies to learn to self soothe. In order to help your LO learn how to do this, the book recommends using the ‘soothing ladder’ for babies up to 5 or 6 months old (you can look this up). Once babies reach 5 or 6 months, you switch to ‘the sleep wave’ method which is similar to the Ferber method, but a little different
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9 months and she usually wakes up 3-6 times a night 😅
Almost all 4 month olds are not meant to sleep through the night. Only reason mine sleeps through the night is because we cosleep. She also feeds on demand throughout the day. I don’t check to keep her waiting longer than necessary for feeds. If she’s hungry she gets the boob lol. That could be every 30 minutes or every 4 hours. Keep in mind 4 months is when a major sleep regression will occur due to milestones that will be getting hit by development soon. This could be things like motor skills or rolling etc. don’t expect your baby to sleep more than 4 hours at a time over night until they are around 9-12 months or so and even then some still wake several times. Unless you have a safe cosleep set up available I do not recommend doing that. It is important that you have a safe sleep set up for that or baby is at risk of injury or worse
How many naps does she have in the day? And how long are her naps ?
Sorry but people still do and recommend sleep training?? Sleep training like the Ferber method is literal torture to the child. They don't learn to sleep, they learn that their needs (here especially being close to their parents because they can't survive without them) don't get fulfilled. Their nervous system shuts down when they stop crying. They prepare for death. Please educate yourself. And yes I'm sorry again but being woken up multiple times during the night is what we signed up for as parents. It will become better and I get that especially with a new baby this is HARD. But what you describe is 100% normal, kids stomachs aren't that big so they need to be fed more often, that includes the night. I don't have tips for you except sleep in shift with someone else. Since you bottle feed it can be done by someone else as well and try to sleep during the day as well
I’ve been doing tummy sleeping as long as baby knows how to move their head back and forth Game changer
@Mey couldn’t of put it better myself! I find sleep training disgusting and selfish tbh
Just wait till she’s 5 months old. That’s the only way to fix it
That 4th month sleep regression is on a whole different level
It doesn't help me sleep more really but it lessens the crying. I just catch my LO before she fully wakes up again and either soothe her or go ahead and change her/ give her a little bottle I have at the ready. She goes right back to sleep if she even wakes at all. Usually. Sometimes she'll sleep a little longer in between when I do this. We also have a fairly strict bedtime routine and lavender sleep spray around her room before I put her in there. She still sleeps best in my bed but of course I can't do that when my partner is there.
@Anonymous tried this, it dosnt work for my girl.
Have you tried a gripe belt?
My 10 month old doesn't even sleep through the night...