We let grandparent decide, we have Taid and granny; grams and nan; and a nanna. If you don't feel comfortable using it though then it's not going to stick, ultimately your kids are likely to call their grandparents whatever name you use (provided they can pronounce it)
We have 7 grandparents (including step-parents). They've basically all chosen what they want, but have put a veto on certain names (Nana and Nan/Nanny - I had a Nana who can't be replaced and I hate Nan/Nanny). I had grandparents with unique names and no one ever has laughed at me for them. I think she will be fine!x
The main issue isn’t people laughing to be honest I just find the names absolutely ridiculous and popsie repulses me 😂 so I certainly will not be calling him it to her. More than happy for him to pick a normal name even if it is a bit of a nick name but if he doesn’t he will be stuck with grandad when I refer to him, I just can’t bring myself to use it. Particularly when the actual meaning of it is “young attractive female” 😂
I think if you really hate them, they can be vetoed!🤣🤣
We gave them what they could pick from and they decided. However your child ultimately will call them what they want. My mum is grannie but my son calls her nannie as he couldn't pronounce the gr part at the start, and now it's stuck and that's what she is x
@Shona that’s a good idea. They already know people think these names are stupid and everyone laughs at them so maybe I’ll just be honest that I won’t be saying them and give a list of acceptable options 😂
I've tried vetoing a name my mother chose - 'nanny' as we actually pay a nanny to perform childcare and call her nanny so didn't want my eldest thinking her grandparent was another paid helper 😂 but my mother still calls herself nanny and signs the cards with nanny and then a ridiculous name that's a weird version of her second ex-husband's name. So you may find the grandparents continue to do it even after you tell them no and point out why you hate it 😅
I let the grandparents decide themselves but would have said no if it was ridiculous …they all picked normal names so didn’t need to veto anything 😂 I think they can call themselves what they want within reason…but they need to understand no means no. If they are Mopsie and Popsie with another grandchild I can see why they picked those names to be honest. I don’t think people will laugh, and if they do they would probably have used any excuse to laugh.. If they don’t make an effort the problem might solve it self as you say (there is no need for you to encourage them to visit/your girl to call them that).